Dr. Barry Haworth
University of Louisville
Department of Economics
Economics 202

Some Helpful Equations for Midterm #2

These equations/expressions are always true (definitions of terms are below each equation, but are not repeated):

(1) C + S = DI(C = consumption expenditure, S = savings, DI = disposable income)

(2) DI = Y - T(Y = real income (GDP), T = tax revenues)

(3) AE = C + I + G + (X - M)(AE = aggregate expenditures, I = autonomous investment, G = government expenditure, X = exports, M = imports)

(4) (MPC = marginal propensity to consume [we sometimes abbreviate it as "m"])

(5) (MPS = marginal propensity to save [we sometimes abbreviate it as "1-m"])

(6) (APC = average propensity to consume)

(7) (APS = average propensity to save [also called the savings rate])

At equilibrium (only) in the fixed price level model of AE it's true that:

(8) Y* = C + I + G + (X - M)(Y* = equilibrium real income (GDP))